Not all best things are big as Touchmate has launched the Diamond Cam Mobile TM-M800G, which is said to be the smallest mobile phone on earth. This Diamond Cam Mobile is currently available through all touchmate outlets.The phone TM-M800G matches the looks and feel of Motorola’s L6 model. TM-M800G is compact and slim, the Diamond Cam TM-M800G Mobile has boasts of its built-In Swarovski Crystal Diamond, 1.3 MegaPixel Camera,128MB memory exTM-M800G has an external speaker functionality, and TM-M800G also comes with the dual USB and power chargeability. Touchmate has integrated most of the highly sought functionalities and operations into this TM-M800G mobile phone also managing its size keeping it as smallest as possible.Best things come in small packages.enjoy life ,enjoy TM-M800Gpandable by a T-Flash slot.
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